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Tuesday 8 November 2016

How to make a subtilte in few seconds


Sunday 3 April 2016

                                               How to make a subtitle in 25 sec ?????


to make a subtitle in 25 sec ...please log in and see this is stated below

Tuesday 29 March 2016

                                                                what a society we live ???

at first i want to say about our social condition ? what are we doing in every second . Why Allah has created  us do this this ????? no ..
what is our aim ??? do this ???
i know .everybody says ,some bad people are doing this ????but i want to say that ...they are not a bad people ..they are actually .the crazy,excited,mad people ????
Has Allah given only reproductive organ ???
Everybody will say ...not ???
Allah has given us brain to think...Hands to write ...legs to walk ....????
Every things have two parts is positive another is negeaive we are using the negative one ???? 

to know more .....log in this site 


All the beds are connected with central medical gas supply system to supply oxygen, air and vacuum when required and have all other relevant facilities to render emergency support.
The emergency center at KYAMCH is open 24 hours a day to respond the emergency medical needs patients. The total area of the emergency is 600 sq. meters. There are 3 minor operating rooms in emergency section. There are separate patient receiving and observation area for male and female.
Facilities in Emergency:
  • 24/7 service
  • Trauma Center
  • Private Clinic Exam Rooms including GYN Exam
  • Observation Area
  • Ambulance and Critical Care
  • River Ambulance (Future Addition)
  • Medical Heliport & Helicopter Service (Future addition)

Drug store in KYAMCH is fully air-conditioned with most modern computerized patient handling facility. The total area covers 1000 square meter. For smooth handling of patients there is separate reception, cash, delivery section.
KYAMCH has the following infra structure facilities:
•  Close Circuit Television Camera (CCTV)
•  Broadcast System (PA System)
•  Computerized Hospital Management System
•  Fiber optical network system
•  Satellite Internet Services with won VSAT System
•  Dish TV System
•  Medical Grade Oxygen & Air Generator Plant
•  Power Supply
•  Telephone
•  Incinerator
•  Water Supply
•  Laundry System
•  Central Supply Sterilization Department (CSSD)
•  Accommodation
•  Restaurant / Food supply
• Mini Shopping Mall
• Convenient Store with in the hospital premises.

Café & Gift corner
KYAMCH will have an automated most modern kitchen to cater the need of the patient as per specific patient requirement and children chart. Apart from that there will be a high quality cafeteria for the doctors and other staffs of the hospital. There will be another 24-hour canteen to supply food and other items, which is open for everybody.
KYAMCH also has the Stroke Unit, Recovery Room, Home-Care Services, Language Proficiency, Health Screening, Vaccination center etc. to give better service to the patient.

Friday 25 March 2016

The Human body ,  a scientific marvel

Md. Hasibul Hasan

Many of the most exciting discoveries in all fields of science are being played out in the human body . From DNA to the atoms inside us, the human body is a scientific marvel.


Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Hydrogen, the most common element in the universe and a major feature of your body, was produced in the big bang 13.7bn years ago. Heavier atoms such as carbon and oxygen were forged in stars between 7bn and 12bn years ago, and blasted across space when the stars exploded. Some of these explosions were so powerful that they also produced the elements heavier than iron, which stars can't construct. This means that the components of your body are truly ancient: you are stardust.

Your eyes are very sensitive, able to detect just a few photons of light. If you take a look on a very clear night at the constellation of Andromeda, a little fuzzy patch of light is just visible with the naked eye. If you can make out that tiny blob, you are seeing as far as is humanly possible without technology. Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy to our own Milky Way. But "near" is a relative term in intergalactic space – the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5m light years away. When the photons of light that hit your eye began their journey, there were no human beings. We were yet to evolve. You are seeing an almost inconceivable distance and looking back in time through 2.5m years.

Just like a chicken, your life started off with an egg. Not a chunky thing in a shell, but an egg nonetheless. However, there is a significant difference between a human egg and a chicken egg that has a surprising effect on your age. Human eggs are tiny. They are, after all, just a single cell and are typically around 0.2mm across – about the size of a printed full stop. Your egg was formed in your mother – but the surprising thing is that it was formed when she was an embryo. The formation of your egg, and the half of your DNA that came from your mother, could be considered as the very first moment of your existence. And it happened before your mother was born. Say your mother was 30 when she had you, then on your 18th birthday you were arguably over 48 years old.


                                                              মোহাম্মাদ হাসিবুল হাসান


                                    _ তোমার মুখে এখনও মেঘ জমে রয়েছে কেন ?

                                    _ না তো , আমি তো সূর্যের নীচেই অনেকক্ষণ ধরে রয়েছি
                                                                      William Shakespeare , HAMLET ( Tragedy )

…………তুমি সব সময়-ই ছিলে ছলনাময়ী ৷ হয়তো একসময় কাছে এসেছিলে, আসো কিন্তু আবারো হারিয়ে যাও ৷ ভূলটা আমার-ই , কেনই বা তোমাকে বলি ! কখনো কি তোমাকে নিয়ে ভেবেছি ? যা করি না , তার ফল কিভাবে আশা করি ! আজকাল চোখ বুজলেও তোমাকে দেখতে পাই না ৷ অনেক প্রশ্নের উত্তর খুঁজি ৷ জানি , তোমার মাঝে সব-ই ৷ দোষটুকু কি শুধুই  আমার ? তুমি যেমন , ঠিক তেমন করে কেউ কখনো দেখায়নি ৷ যদি বলি একটু বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসো , আমার প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও ৷ জানি তুমি আসবে না , আসতে পারবেও না কোনো দিন ৷ ভূলটা আমারই ৷ ইচ্ছা থাকলে উপায় হয় ৷ আমারই আসলে তোমাকে দেখার ইচ্ছা ছিলো না কোনো দিন , যদিও তোমাকে দেখেছি ৷ কিন্তু , দেখার চোখ দিয়ে দেখি নি কোনো দিনও ! তাই তো আজ চোখ বুজলেও , তোমাকে দেখতে পাই না …..অনুভব তো দূরের কথা ৷৷৷

……….উপরিউক্ত কথাগুলো প্রতিকী ৷ আমরা অনেক কথাই বলি…..আমাদের দেশে পড়ালেখার মান ভাল না …..শিক্ষকগণ ভালোভাবে পড়াতে পারে না ৷ একটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেন তো ? জ্ঞান কি শিক্ষকগণ পকেটে লুকিয়ে রেখেছেন নাকি রাখতে পারবেন ? .শিক্ষকগণ কি করে আপনাকে পড়ালেখা গলধঃকরণ করে দিবেন ?……পড়ালেখা কি বিস্কুটের প্যাকেট ??? ওনাদের কাজ তো শুধু , সঠিক পথের দিশা দেয়া ৷ আপনাকেই তো জ্ঞান খোঁজ করতে হবে ৷ হ্যাঁ , আমিও স্বীকার করি , আমাদের দেশের পড়ানোর পদ্ধতিটা ভালো করা উচিৎ ৷ সবাই রাস্তার ধারের ডাস্টবিনে পড়ে থাকা ময়লা -আবর্জনা পরিষ্কার করার কথা বলে ৷ কিন্তু, কেউ নিজে পরিষ্কার করার কথা ভাবে না ৷ সূর্যের আলোই আজ আপনি নিজেকে চিনতে পারছেন না ৷ কারণ, আপনি  নিজেও নিজেকে চিনেন না ,  চেনার চেষ্টাও কখনো করেন নি ৷ হাজারো মেঘের ভিড়ে আজ আপনি হারিয়ে গেছেন , চোখ থাকতেও দেখতে পাননা , দেখার চেষ্টাও করেন না ৷ অন্ধকারের অতল গভীরে আজ আপনি লুকিয়ে আছেন ৷ দ্বিধার দেয়ালগুলো ভেঙে ফেলুন ৷ বৃষ্টি থেমে গেছে, যদি মন চায় খালি পায়ে ঘাসের ওপর হাঁটুন ৷ জানি ভাল লাগবে ৷ আর কোন বিষণ্নতা নয় ৷ সত্য সুন্দর ,সত্যের পথে হাটুন ৷ প্রকৃতির সাথে মিশে যান, উপভোগ করুন সত্যের স্বাদ ৷ জীবনটা সুন্দর ৷৷৷

                                 BONE MARROW


Bone marrow is a soft pulpy tissue which is found in the marrow cavities of all bones (Fig. 4.11) and even in the larger Haversian canals of lamellar bone. It differs in composition in different bones and at different ages and occurs in two forms, yellow and red marrow. In old age the marrow of the cranial bones undergoes degeneration and is then termed gelatinous marrow.


Yellow marrow Yellow marrow consists of a framework of connective tissue which supports numerous blood vessels and cells, most of which are adipocytes. A small population of typical red marrow cells persists and may be reactivated when the demand for blood cells becomes sufficiently great.Red marrow Red marrow is found throughout the skeleton in the fetus and during the first years of life. After about the fifth year the red marrow, which represents actively haemopoietic tissue, is gradually replaced in the long bones by yellow marrow. The replacement starts earlier, and is generally more advanced, in the more distal bones. By 20–25 years of age, red marrow persists only in the vertebrae, sternum, ribs, clavicles, scapulae, pelvis, cranial bones and in the proximal ends of the femur and humerus. Red bone marrow consists of a network of loose connective tissue, the stroma, which supports clusters of haemopoietic cells (haemopoietic cords or islands) and a rich vascular supply in which large, thin-walled sinusoids are the main feature (Fig. 4.11). The vascular supply is derived from the nutrient artery to the bone, which ramifies in the bone marrow, and terminates in thin-walled arterioles from which the sinusoids arise. These, in turn, drain into disproportionately large veins. Lymphatic vessels are absent from bone marrow. The stroma contains a variable amount of fat, depending on age, site and the haematological status of the body, and small patches of lymphoid tissue are also present. Marrow thus consists of vascular and extravascular compartments, both enclosed within a bony framework from which they are separated by a thin layer of endosteal cells (p. 91).Stroma Stroma is composed of a delicate network of fine type III collagen (reticulin) fibres secreted by highly branched, specialized fibroblast-like cells (reticular cells) derived from embryonic mesenchyme. When haemopoiesis stops, as occurs in most limb bones in adult life, these cells (or closely related cells) become distended with lipid droplets, and fill the marrow with yellow fatty tissue (yellow marrow). If there is a later demand for haemopoiesis, the stellate stromal cells reappear. The stroma also contains numerous macrophages attached to extracellular matrix fibres. These cells actively phagocytose cellular debris created by haemopoietic development, especially the extruded nuclei of erythroblasts, remnants of megakaryocytes and cells which have failed the B lymphocyte selection process. Stromal cells play a major role in the control of haemopoietic cell differentiation, proliferation and maturation. Marrow sinusoids are lined by a single layer of endothelial cells, supported by reticulin on their basal surfaces. Although the endothelial cells are interconnected by tight junctions, their cytoplasm is extremely thin in places, and the underlying basal lamina is discontinuous. The passage of newly formed blood cells from the haemopoietic compartment into the bloodstream appears to occur through an interactive process with the endothelium, producing temporary apertures (large fenestrae) in their attenuated cytoplasm.
Hey i am new to blog. however pray for me

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